This Week in Hobby — 6.25.24

Another week or so has slid by – summer has officially arrived and things seem to be busy. The past week for me has been mostly concerned about getting things done for my son’s wedding … which is in the middle of July… only about 25 days away. I have been working on some decorations, prepping some photo collages and some lighting for that event. I am hoping to have the current spade of projects for the wedding wrapped in a week or so… we shall see.

Other than family stuff – I did get some hobby time in over the last couple weeks. I have made some progress on the Inquisitor Tau group. I got nearly all the base colors down (contrast builds) so far. I also got some paint on the inquisitor henchmen (gal) and based an Eldar RT era corsair figure which I am experimenting with size.

Now that the Tau base colors are down – I will need to start working detailing these figures out. I repurposed the bases I had from my Adeptus Mechanicus 40k army. I think they will work well to unify the Tau group.

Also for Inquisitor I compiled and cleaned up some of the sheets I used for doing the demo game back in May. These should be ok to copy and print to size… included are the character record sheets I used and the cards I created to track the initiative order. Also included is the specific set of special rules that I used in the mission. The mission was “Data Transfer” which can be found over at Dark Magenta.

If you are looking for more information on Inquisitor – including the rules – I suggest the following links which was a great help to me preparing to host the demo game.

The Conclave (An Inquisitor community forum with lots of links and valuable insights)

Carthage Wiki (A campaign wiki with lots of tools and useful info)

Dark Magenta (An online fan magazine which supports Inquisitor players)

To go along with all this Inquisitor content… I started a new round of updates to the yet un-named Servo-Skull project. I added a LED power switch to make it easier for me to turn on the motion eye board with power also going to the fan and red light eye piece.

This took a bit of work… I had to create room to make it easier to manage wires – as well as connect a micro USB to the main board to power and charge the battery. I used a drill to carve out the spot for the switch… then I used the saw to hack out space for the USB and to make it easier to get the eye in and out. The initial 3D print had a cavity for the board – but didn’t have the void go all the way to the top. I cut into the cavity to make more room for all the inner stuff.

on the opposite side of the skull I’m adding an enclosure for security camera… I will go into that in the next servo-skull update.


One response to “This Week in Hobby — 6.25.24”

  1. Faust Avatar

    Excellent work on your Inquisitor game! That skull is looking really spooky all in red!

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Hello, I am an aging geek and hobby gamer. Born within Generation X — I came to age in the 1980’s. I grew into my hobby life on RPG’s (Gamma-World & D&D), early Computers (Ti-99 4A & Apple ][e), Dial-up BBS’s (too many trunk hunting nightmares to name) and mini wargaming (RT Warhammer 40k – Eldar Corsairs & Harlequins).

I live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States – South of the Portland metroplex in Oregon. I have been blogging about my gaming hobby since 2008 and this is the newest edition of that blog. That old blog was maintained with iWeb on Apple’s MobileMe hosting platform.

Unfortunately, I only have those blog posts on my old backup hard drives. This newest version of the blog started on Wordpress 13 years ago.

3d printer 3D Printing 40k Arena Rex battle report Black Friday Apoc BloodBowl Bolt Action Bright Stallion Brood conversion CORE counts-as dark-age DE Harlequins diy eldar Eldar Corsairs eldar harlequins EPIC game space Harlequins hobby table infinity Inquisitor kickstarter OFCC Outcasts painting Phantom Titan Project Table Random Random Shit Remodel Revenant Titan slot cars terrain USAriadna vacation Warhammer 40k wraithknight Wraithlord Wraithseer wraithwall Yurt