My Past Month in Hobby — 6.12.24

Wow, I did not mean for the past few weeks to fly by without a blog update… things just got busy in the run up to the 3D Roleplay Con – and I had to catch up on things after. Then on the heels of the Con I had just a couple weeks to prep for visitation with my child over the summer months. All that got taken care of and they are now here with me till late September.

I am hoping to get a few more games of Inquisitor in over the summer as I try to introduce them to the game. We will probably take some trips as well so things just started getting busy I guess. Here are some of the new figures I have cluttering my hobby desk. Some “official” Inq. 54mm figures and some prints I found on the web. The Tau group includes a fan made warrior I got on eBay… But the Kroot and Water Caste guy are official GW.

Last month I spent most of my hobby time with Inquisitor – I painted a few more figures and tried to think and document improvements for the next 3D Roleplay Con next year… while the fires of memory were still fresh in my mind.

In the past couple weeks I got in 2 games of BloodBowl 7’s “Sevens” with my son.. both were sort of practice games. But I like Sevens… it’s fast and easy… and I can play after work and not feel so tired lol. The shots are from 2 different games… one I tried out Skaven… (I won) and the other we wanted to go all stunties… (I was the gobbos) which was a draw. We hope to play some more meaningful games after we settle on teams to try out.

Other than trying to catch up on things at home – I have been doing some cleaning and re-organizing in my hobby space. I feel like a good spring cleaning of my areas really helps me reset my mind. I get to discover lingering projects I forgot or left to cool on the back-burner… sometimes I get a spark to jump back into them. I recently started tinkering with the Servo-Skull build… adding a new camera and possibly more. I will get an update out on that soon.

Back to work… I have about 3 posts working in the draft stage which I hope finish up and post in the next few weeks.


9 responses to “My Past Month in Hobby — 6.12.24”

  1. maenoferren22 Avatar

    I never got into Inquisitor as there was no-one around me that wanted to jump in with me. I really wish I had. Love the painted miniatures. So I have to ask… what is 3D Roleplay? My first thought was LARP, but as that is such a used term I thought maybe not.

    1. torgsblog Avatar

      As explained by the organizer… Hank
      “3D Roleplay Con is an annual Oldhammer gaming convention held in Portland, Oregon (USA). Championing the golden-era of fantasy wargaming & roleplaying, with an emphasis on 1980’s editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, 40K: Rogue Trader, Realm[s] Of Chaos, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay & the like.”
      Basically – old hammer games with more “roleplaying” feel to them. I hosted an Inquisitor game which is a roleplaying game more than it is a mini war-game. The story – the players interactions – the fun – is the game… much like any RPG.

  2. Faust Avatar

    Very nice! 7s has been picking up in popularity it seems. Probably more as people find they don’t have the time they used to for a full game of BB. I trip myself up on the roster building rules though, and someday I should sit down and figure that out. What did you use for your Goblin roster?

    1. torgsblog Avatar

      hmmm … my test roster had 6 Linemen, 1 Looney, 1 Pogoer & a Troll. I added one Re-Roll as well. Anything else was left in the treasury. This was a decent test list… in a stunty only league I think it’s ok – but if I had to play against larger foes I would have to think about the starting team more. Probably buy the troll later and just have more bodies to throw in… or maybe add a fanatic instead of the troll & the Looney… not sure.

      1. Faust Avatar

        Nice! I’d probably take the Fanatic over the Looney and Troll. Like all the pieces, Goblins are just so random. You never know what’s going to work and what will fail. Though I’ve never had much luck with bombers or chainsaws. When the Fanatic works though, it can really decimate the other team. Though, now that I think about it…there are not as many targets in 7s.

      2. torgsblog Avatar

        true – not as many targets in 7s. I do ok with the chainsaws… but it is very limited – typically only one drive. I agree on the Fanatic. I take the troll usually just to clog up part of the pitch and draw attention while the rest of the players scamper around.

      3. Faust Avatar

        Yea, Trolls make good road blocks. Plus new players tend to target them, haha!

  3. 5 on Friday 21/06/24 – No Rerolls Avatar

    […] My Past Month in Hobby — 6.12.24 @ Torg’s Blog – Those Tau models for Inquisitor are incredible. I loved this blog’s previous Inquisitor content, and now I just want to see the guys painted up! […]

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Hello, I am an aging geek and hobby gamer. Born within Generation X — I came to age in the 1980’s. I grew into my hobby life on RPG’s (Gamma-World & D&D), early Computers (Ti-99 4A & Apple ][e), Dial-up BBS’s (too many trunk hunting nightmares to name) and mini wargaming (RT Warhammer 40k – Eldar Corsairs & Harlequins).

I live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States – South of the Portland metroplex in Oregon. I have been blogging about my gaming hobby since 2008 and this is the newest edition of that blog. That old blog was maintained with iWeb on Apple’s MobileMe hosting platform.

Unfortunately, I only have those blog posts on my old backup hard drives. This newest version of the blog started on Wordpress 13 years ago.

3d printer 3D Printing 40k Arena Rex battle report Black Friday Apoc BloodBowl Bolt Action Bright Stallion Brood conversion CORE counts-as dark-age DE Harlequins diy eldar Eldar Corsairs eldar harlequins EPIC game space Harlequins hobby table infinity Inquisitor kickstarter OFCC Outcasts painting Phantom Titan Project Table Random Random Shit Remodel Revenant Titan slot cars terrain USAriadna vacation Warhammer 40k wraithknight Wraithlord Wraithseer wraithwall Yurt